The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) interactive U.S. Cancer Statistics data portal displays official federal cancer statistics. Compelling graphics and analysis make it easy for anyone to explore and use the latest official federal cancer data by cancer type, state, demographics, and year.
Working together, the CDC and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) capture information on nearly every cancer diagnosed across the U.S. Each year, this information is updated and available as U.S. Cancer Statistics. The uniqueness of this cancer data is that it is not a sample or estimate – it is high-quality, complete data that comes from hospitals, physicians, and labs across the nation. Cancer counts and rates are essential to measuring progress and targeting action toward this major cause of death among Americans.
The data visualizations make it easy for anyone to access the latest and official U.S. cancer statistics to help cancer control efforts have the greatest impact. Cancer care and prevention professionals, planners, advocates, journalists and policymakers are encouraged to access this new tool to view and report cancer statistics.